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Sub-Saharan Africa

Information in strong demand

Sex education is an urgent issue in Douala, and a civil-society organisation DUCA is rising to the challenge


Crumbling structures

Aggravating housing crisis, erosion is threatening Ghana's traditional mud houses

Poverty reduction

Lessons from failure

Disappointing basic-income-grant project in Namibia

Belief systems

Invisible Reality

Voodoo and witchcraft – Africans and Westerners experience religion and spirituality in different ways


Endangered world heritage

ÖNZ: The DRC government is considering oil production in national parks – even though that would mean great environmental damage

Religious communities

“Dignity and self-esteem”

In Nigeria's Plateau State, deprivation is root cause of violence involving Muslims and Christians

Land grabbing

Damaging investments

Oxfam warns of increasing land grabbing and wants the World Bank to halt investments

Bitter Rivals

The people’s choice

Three weeks after the elections, Kenyans still do not know whether Uhuru Kenyatta will be their president


Need in a land of plenty

In spite of the DRC's huge agricultural potential, many people lack vital nutrients


No food, no health

Malnutrition is a major problem among children in Tanzania. A physician explains why this hampers national development.

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