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Sub-Saharan Africa
Livestock production

Profitable goats

Zamgoat is working on improving farmer’s opportunities in Zambia


From the community,  for the community

Why community-based animal-health workers are indispensable, not only in Ethiopia


Innovative voucher scheme

Enabling poor herders to pay community-based animal-health workers in Ethiopia

Freedom of speech

D+C author detained in Chad

D+C contributor arrested in Chad

Nomadic pastoralism

Herds destroy harvests

In Chad, crop farmers and livestock herders are competing for water and land. A solution to the conflict is nowhere in sight

Nomadic pastoralism

A complementary relationship turns competitive

Conflicts between crop farmers and migratory herders contribute to destabilisation in Sahel region

Land reform

Zimbabwe’s waste land

According to experts, Zimbabwe’s people benefited hardly from the fast-track land reform


Mutilated women

Uganda is combatting the tradition of female genital mutilation


“We are all from Kyaka”

In Uganda, refugees and local people are living together in peace – but refugees still need a long-term perspective


Warnings unheard

Burundi’s crisis was to be expected and the international community has failed the country

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