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Sub-Saharan Africa
Civil society

Educating on sexual health issues for 49 years

The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) has been educating on sexual health issues for more than 49 years


Embracing blackness

Many African women stop using relaxers on their hair

Sex education

“More than family planning”

In Ghana, young volunteers from Accra are trained to educate village youths on sexual and reproductive health issues

Youth unemployment

A ticking time bomb

Kenyan authors analyse the problem of youth unemployment in their country and how it can be tackled


Climate change deserves top-level attention

El Niño aggravated heat and drought this year

Political environment

Stability promotes economic development

Upswing requires the right environment in a developing country

Human rights

The wrong skin colour

In Malawi, albinos are often killed due to witchcraft beliefs

Government guarantees

New strategy for Africa

Private-sector involvement is vital for Africa's economic development

Foreign trade

Mozambique’s foreign trade weakness

Why Mozambique is one of the world’s least competitive countries

weltwärts volunteers

“Many fellow Namibians think we are a foreign organisation”

Leader of Namibia Red Cross Society discusses her agency’s work with German weltwärts volunteer

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