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MENA Middle East North Africa

Removing Gaddafi from schoolbooks

In post-revolution Libya, schools are using drastically different history books

Soft Power

Last hope

The EU needs to do more to promote democracy in Tunisia

Civil war

Promoting democracy

Arab Reform Initiative sees three-front war in Syria and demands that pro-democracy forces get support


Cairo conundrum

In view of Egypt's crisis, western diplomacy seems clueless


Libyan arms and Malian turmoil

Why rebels in Mali were armed with small arms and light weapons from Libya

Middle East

Remembering strife

Even decades after its civil war, Lebanon has not come to terms with its traumatic past


Conflict over water

River and lake borders are not always clearly defined in Africa, so water disputes are common

Military coup

The Muslim Brothers’ human rights

The Muslim Brothers’ human rights must be protected in Egypt

Civil society

Mutual understanding

More exchange in academia, the arts and sports might boost mutual understanding among Iran and the west


“Male identity crisis”

Insecure men, self-assured women and gender-specific violence after the Arab spring

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