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MENA Middle East North Africa
Armed conflict

The distance between war and peace

The civil war’s impacts differ from neighbourhood to neighbourhood in Damascus


Securing EU borders

The tasks carried out by the European border agency have changed since its creation in 2005


Coast guard or paramilitary force?

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex is controversial

G5 Sahel Joint Force

Pulling together

The many military missions attempting to bring stability to West Africa are being hindered by a marked lack of coordination

Letters to the editor

Issues that have contributed to African poverty

Readers respond to our D+C/E+Z print edition 2017/11-12

Press freedom

Controlled media

Egypt’s journalists are not free to do their work


Military empire

Egypt’s military wields an enormous economic and political power

Tunisia’s young democracy deserves western support

Seven years after Arab spring, Tunisia’s socioeconomic situation remains bleak

Arab countries

Tunisia’s history of intellectual excellence

To what extent is Tunisian democracy a model for North Africa and the Middle East?

Civil strife

Shifting alliances

Saleh’s death does not indicate a fast end of Yemen’s civil war

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