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MENA Middle East North Africa
Violent strife

Rekindling the war on drugs

Why destroying Colombian coca fields with pesticides may backfire terribly

Rural development

Involve the local community

The High Atlas Foundation is setting standards for improving rural livelihoods and protecting the environment in Morocco


Limits of sovereignty

In view of China’s growing international engagement, we need a good definition of “south-south cooperation”


Insights into a war-torn country

Journalist lets the victims of the war in Syria tell their stories and the history of the country


“Gravest social malady”

Why Iran’s government has made its anti-drug legislation less draconian

Why populists struggle to form cross-border alliances

It is a phantasy to believe national sovereignty can apply to everything

Human trafficking

Deeply rooted slavery

Although slavery is illegal, it still exists in many countries – Mauritania for example


International responsibility

Development policy must target the underlying causes of Afghanistan’s drug economy


A sad record

Most illegal opiate profits accrue outside Afghanistan

Armed conflict

Three generations killed in one day

In Syria’s civil war, entire villages are wiped out

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