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Latin America and the Caribbean

Empowerment of female smallholders

An agroecological community project in Mexico has empowered women and achieved a major mindset change of the residents towards them


Back to school after the pandemic

After the Corona pandemic, underfunded schools in Guatemala struggle to operate due to Covid-19 procedures and students deficits


A Lula victory could save Brazil’s democracy

Why Brazil’s run-off election on 30 October may become the last fee and fair one

Central America

Planting diverse crops, securing livelihoods

Farming in a traditional and sustainable way benefits biodiversity and helps against external shocks


New strategies for female entrepreneurs

In Mexico, online business trainings help female entrepreneurs to expand their businesses


Exemplary wildlife conservation

Bolivian Lilian Painter campaigns for the preservation of the Madidi protected area in her country

Constitutional referendum

Why Chile needs another constitutional assembly

For the time being, the left wing-vision for Chile has not come true

Personal experiences

Covid-19 impacts worldwide

D+C/E+Z contributors from very different countries share their personal experiences on the Corona pandemic

Rules of governance

Demise of Brazil’s democracy would speed up climate crisis

If President Bolsonaro stays in office, he will further undermine Brazil’s institutions of democratic governance

Mental health

Mental health can be strengthened

In Guatemala, unresolved traumas from the past are a frequent cause of new suffering and violence

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