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Latin America and the Caribbean
Performing arts

Proud parents

Jorge Cruz Quispe discusses his cultural programme for indigenous students in El Alto, Bolivia

Climate change

From dream to nightmare

The cattle industry in Argentina is changing rapidly – not for the better

Animal keeping

Argentine beef is not what it used to be

Facts and figures concerning Argentina’s ranching industry

Indigenous peoples

Flawed implementation

Laws concerning prior and informed consent of indigenous groups for resource exploitation often prove counterproductive in Latin America

Human Rights

“For us, there is only death”

Indigenous environment activists are at risk all over the world


Women’s lost right

Another setback for Chile’s women’s fight for the right to therapeutic abortion


Breathing poison

In Chile, air pollution is a major problem

Summer special

Making fun of gender stereotypes

Summer Special 5: Rosario Castellanos’ farce “El Eterno Feminino” is an expression of Mexican feminism

Nicaragua Canal

A violation of civil liberties

By building the Nicaragua Canal, Nicaragua’s government is ignoring the concerns of its own people

Nicaragua Canal

Citizen protests

Citizens directly affected by the construction of the Nicaragua Canal are fighting against the project

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