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Latin America and the Caribbean

Rousseff deserved a full term in office

Brazil’s institutions look unbalanced

Olympic Games in Rio

Between hope and despair

Major sports events brought progress to Rio, but there is a lot more to do


Descent into chaos

Brazil now seems to be on the brink of collapse


“A quitter never wins”

For Jamaica to excel in athletics, young talents need support


One country or several nations

In Chile, indigenous minorities belong to those who want a new constitution


Games in times of crisis

Brazil is in turmoil, but the Olympic games are not one of the country’s problems

The governments of South Africa and Brazil are in trouble

The governments of South Africa and Brazil are in trouble

Free trade

Better without the TPP

Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is growing


Guatemala’s social problems

Poverty, corruption and racism: Guatemala’s primary schools reflect the country’s social problems

Immigration to the United States

A journey fraught with danger

Contradictory migration policies of the United States and Mexico

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