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Latin America and the Caribbean
Cultural loss

National disaster

The devastating fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro symbolises the desperate political situation in Brazil


Cultural change

Future jobs will require high levels of specialisation


Automation in a low-wage country

Whether the robots replace workers depends on complicated cost calculations in Mexico


Brazil's IMF experience

In similar settings, Brazil’s experience with the IMF was much better than Argentina’s

Economic history

Always returning to square one

Argentina’s economic meltdown of 2001/2002 still overshadows new developments

Political violence

Murdered hope

Civil-society activists are increasingly at risk in Brazil

The important ways in which AMLO differs from Trump

To what extent is Mexico’s next leader a “populist”?


The budget deficit is the core problem

IMF agrees to support Argentina with $ 50 billion loan


Mexican power struggle

For the third time, AMLO is trying to become Mexico’s president

International cooperation

Building trust

Projects that follow the model of community organising need time, but not a lot of money

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