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Preventing violence, promoting peaceful coexistence

What civil conflict resolution can achieve


Help in times of crisis

Civil Peace Service supports refugees and returnees

Post-conflict countries

Restoring trust in society

Essential dimensions of multi-faceted peacebuilding


Populists threaten human rights

Human Rights Watch warns of dangerous international trend to strongman rule

Aid Effectiveness

Managing and monitoring ­effectiveness

Many milestones passed before the founding of the Global Partnership on Effective Development

Aid Effectiveness

Rekindling interest in effectiveness

Better cooperation is needed to boost effectiveness, and civil society agencies have a role to play

United Nations

Guterres is on fire

The new UN secretary-general is a refreshing change of pace from his predecessor


Aid increase too small

Official development assistance keeps rising, but remains less than pledged


Worthless promises

Populists deny the legitimacy of diverging interests


Growing inequality and environmental dangers

Joint EADI-Nordic conference will assess challenges of globalisation in Bergen in August

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