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The UK is at sea

The UK is at sea


Particular urgency

In coastal regions, developmental challenges are especially evident

Nansen Initiative

The Nansen Initiative’s Protection Agenda

The Nansen Initiative’s Protection Agenda on what to do about disaster displacement

Global affairs

The needs of displaced persons

Forced displacement related to disasters is one of the great humanitarian challenges of the 21st century


Trade needs ports

Landlocked developing countries struggle with high trade costs and depend on transit countries

Adapting to climate change

Valuable protection

The WAVE initiative calls attention to the value of ecosystem services that are provided by mangroves and coral reefs


Redistributing money and power

Gap between rich and poor is widening

World economy

Sustainability requires fair wages

Sustainable economic development is not possible without fair pay


Plainly unpresidential

In his first 50 days in the White House, Donald Trump has not proved to be a serious policymaker


Cash transfers help the extreme poor

The idea of social protection is gaining momentum in development aid

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