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Cross-cutting issues

German development policy report sums up activities and outlines programme for the future

Global governance

Daunting challenges in implementing SDGs

The international community needs “adaptive governance” to achieve its goals

Trump’s FBI scandal has international repercussions

Media pundit Fareed Zakaria sees US democracy in danger – and things are probably even worse than he says

Official development assistance

A matter of enlightened self-interest

US-President Donald Trump`s budget plans for 2018 are alarming: he wants to slash official development assistance

Supporting civil society

Making democratic principles tangible

Shrinking spaces call for new support strategies


More than a lack of money

Well-being and happiness are key criteria for a “rich” and contented life


Programmes for the poorest of the poor

To eradicate extreme poverty the ultra-poor need to be reached


Guidance for policymakers

The SDGs are achievable in principle, G20 leaders would do well to consider them

Debt relief

G20 plans do not go far enough

The number of critically indebted countries has risen

“The oceans are rising, and so are we”

International marches show new pattern of international civil-society activism

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