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Development policy

Too many failures

Kurt Gerhardt of the Bonn Appeal issues a fundamental critique of Germany’s development policy

Yascha Mounk’s assessment of the rise of populist leaders

Expressing a popular sentiment does not make you a democrat

Summer Special

Black revolutionary artist

The African-American Jean-Michel Basquiat rose from graffiti sprayer to artist of international fame


Evaluation 2.0

Digitalisation and changing conditions will determine how development projects are evaluated in the future

Why things are better than people in rich countries think

Hans Rosling’s mission was to make the world aware of important trends

Municipal development cooperation

Act locally – think globally

Many municipal development projects are actively involving migrants and refugees

Press freedom

Local media and violent strife

For dangerous work, war reporters deserve to be prepared – and paid – well

Expert discussion

Laying the basis for lasting peace

UN has shifted peacebuilding focus from international to local level

Transforming transportation

Combining digitalisation and mobility

A transportation transformation is necessary and possible in Africa, but it will look different than in industrialised countries

World Bank

All too modest goal

The World Bank’s plans regarding a shadow price on CO2 are oriented towards costs of mitigation goals, not external costs

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