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Why governments struggle to eradicate the illegal drug trade

Brazilian scholar assesses symbiotic links between state agencies and mafia organisations

Infrastructure spending is crucial as Genoa’s tragedy shows

Disasters in Italy, Britain, Germany and the USA

Financial cooperation

More money for development

In 2017, KfW committed € 9.7 billion to new development projects worldwide

SDG finance

Carbon pricing for sustainable development

For certain low-income countries, carbon pricing could be an option to finance the 2030 Agenda

Distorted perception

Middle-income majority

Hans Rosling showed that humankind is in a better shape than generally believed

The dangerous downward spiral of Turkey’s economy

Erdogan and Trump are both acting recklessly


Think globally, act globally

Millennium Development Goals shaped new global partnership


Highlight hardship – but point out progress as well

Charity organisations need to show achievements, not just suffering

Global trends

The future of development and development policy

BMZ study identifies global trends for 2032 and beyond

Global trends

“Change can be measured, the reasons for it cannot”

Developing countries now have more room for manoeuvre – industrialised countries do not always see that as a positive

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