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How the GIZ is learning from experience

GIZ publishes evaluation report 2020


The merits of studying abroad

Foreign graduates of German universities help to build bridges between cultures

The economics of biodiversity

Completely rethinking economics

The British Dasgupta Review considers nature an economic asset

Our view

Literacy empowers, so schools must do a good job

More than ever, people must be able to read and write

Scientific literacy

Why everyone should understand climate change

Scientific literacy can boost awareness of global warming – and inspire faith in viable solutions

Digital divide

National broadband plans for faster, affordable internet

National broadband plans are crucial for network coverage and affordable internet access


Scientists consider tiny chemicals to be health hazards

Microplastics probably have detrimental impacts on human health


Initiatives that help refugee children

How some refugee camps manage to provide educational opportunities

Environmental sustainability

First steps towards keeping environment toxin free

The EU wants its sustainable chemicals strategy to set global standards

Remote management

KfW remote project management with KoBoToolbox

In Burkina Faso, KfW bank uses KoBoToolbox, a remote management information system

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