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IMF keeps pressing for more assertive government action

IMF proposes investments worth $ 50 billion to boost Covid-19 vaccination programmes


Why we believe in our e-Paper

What purposes our monthly e-Paper serves, and how it differs from the print issue

Biden administration

Biden is respoding to climate activists

How demands for a Green New Deals are inspiring White House policymaking

Pandemic response

Many governments are half-hearted about IP waiver

Debate on patent waiver for Covid-19 vaccines lacks sense of urgency


Why I find the debate on an IP waiver awkward

Patents matter even though they are not the main bottleneck in Covid-19 vaccine supply

UN 2030 Agenda

Make SDGs binding with the help of new institutions

Expert group calls for new sustainability governance within the UN system


Connecting all dots

Tangible examples of climate collaboration across government levels deserve policymakers’ attention

Collaborative Climate Action

Aspiration enhancing cooperation

Governments at all levels must cooperate to achieve climate goals


Scaling up the USA’s climate ambitions

US President Joe Biden is eager to reassert his country’s leadership, including in the response to global warming


International NGO assesses pandemic impacts on human right

Human Rights Watch takes stock of Covid-19 pandemic

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