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Our view

In search of humane solutions

Prosperous nations must stop shying away from the huge challenge of drafting better policies for migration and flight


EU should support IP waiver for Covid-19 vaccines

Diverging vaccination rates show how brutally unequal the international community is


New fund for conservation areas

Many conservation areas in income-poor world regions need better funding. KfW Development Bank has established a new tool to address this issue


Biodiversity conservation areas need better funding

Humanity depends on a diverse natural world but many important conservation areas are underfunded, especially in developing countries

Glasgow COP26

Climate crisis: 1.5° goal is alive, but comatose

COP26 decides to leave the most vulnerable people behind


US democracy is still in danger

Today’s Republicans are either right-wing extremists or pander to them

Our point of view

Safeguard ecosystem services to save humanity

Determined international action on biodiversity is needed – and largely missing

Our view

On climate, advanced nations must deliver

Industrial countries have to scale up their action as time is running out for achieving the goals agreed in Paris

Social media

“The vast majority does not get any kind of sex education”

Teenagers around the world use the internet for self-exploration

Child labour

Childhood in a quarry

Many countries fail to enforce their laws banning child labour in quarries

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