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Supply chains

Multi-stakeholder initiative held back by industry lobbies

Textile Partnership has achieved results, but more can be done

Human rights

Sustainability certifications: stricter criteria needed

German government’s Green Button initiative could do even more to ensure social standards


Twitter could become a plutocrat’s toy

The implications of an important social-media platform depending on a billionaire’s whims

Occupational health

Toxic substances in the life cycle of clothing

Many workers in textile and garments manufacturing are exposed to health risks they do not understand

Relevant reading

American journalist sheds light on plutocrats’ anxieties

An important book explores how the super-rich live, and why their wealth harms us all

Social protection

Financing health systems for informal workers

Many informal workers cannot afford to pay cost-covering contributions, so cross-subsidisation is often needed


Marketing digital microinsurance

Increased use of mobile phones and mobile payment systems opens up unexpected possibilities for insuring disadvantaged people


Inclusive insurance for everyone

In times of climate crisis and pandemic, low-income groups worldwide need better access to affordable insurance

Informal sector

Social protection for everyone

Informal workers deserve to be shielded from shocks such as sickness and unemployment

National debt

Can debt relief help countries achieve climate goals?

Debt swaps can help countries achieve climate goals, but they are not a panacea

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