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Measuring donor performance

Donor-agency performance must be measured precisely


Debating precision

Braod-based political discourse is the best approach to evaluation


Involving independent experts

Involving independent experts in monitoring of poverty reduction strategies

Impact research

From snowball to avalanche

/ InWEnts IT-capacity-building-project in Southeast Asia illustrates the use of monitoring and evaluation

Arms trade

New EU laws for exporting arms

German churches want EU guidelines on arms exports enforced fast

Relevant reading

Rome was not built in one day

Relevant reading on evaluation approaches


Dubious precision

Well considered mix of methods leads to goo evaluation results


Reliable evidence of impact

Development agencies need more solid knowledge of the effect of their work


“Decisions should not be made in Paris and Washington”

Global financial crisis will compound problems related to high sovereign debt

Intercultural exchange

“Intelligent systems”

In support of living systems’ ability to learn

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