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Guantánamo failure

Four crucial contradictions in Obama’s Guantanamo policy

Private sector

African opportunities in gobal crises

InWEnt alumni assess African opportunities in global crises

Germany’s Federal Government

“A core issue, not a side issue”

Germany’s new development minister discusses policy in an interview

Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft: 60th anniversery

Development starts with the people

60th anniversary of Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft – legacy is thriving at InWEnt


Do more

Development agencies have their work cut out

Aid effectiveness

Ownership by way of expertise

Capacity building on the aid-effectiveness agenda


Double game

France’s former leaders engulfed in “Angola-Gate”

Development finance

Preventing unsustainable debt

Due to global crisis, over-indebtedness looms large

Aid effectiveness

Taking research into account

Research-based evidence could make a difference

Misbehaving donor agencies

Dinosaurs at work

Donor agencies do not adhere to aid-effectiveness principles in Cambodia

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