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Public Finance

“Taxes don’t bother investors much”

Why investors do not worry much about developing countries’ tax rates


Why taxes serve prosperity

No representation without taxation


Lower fish prices

Malawi: Lower fish prices


Trust in the state

A good tax system promotes people’s trust in the state

Food security

A matter of peace

To fight hunger, it won’t do to merely boost agricultural production

Public Finance

Simple, low and fair

Germany’s development minister: Taxes should be simple, low and fair

Civil strife

Culture of male violence undermines society

Tackling male violence after civic strife

Aid effectiveness

Trilateral cooperation makes sense

Why triangular cooperation of advanced nations with emerging-market and developing countries makes sense

Government revenue

Ambitious reforms, good results

Nigeria is moving forward on enforcing tax laws


Do something about it

Cooperation with Muslim countries is hamperd by overblown European fears

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