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Protection from atrocities

Donors’ governments have difficulties assuming the UN defined Responsibility to Protect


In brief

Failed States Index 2013, New governor for Reserve Bank of India, Gay rights activist killed in Cameroon, Re-election of Mugabe in Zimbabwe


Patience required

Real peace is about a lot more than the absence of armed violence

Free Democrats

Self-determined lives

The Free Democrats' international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Social Democrats

Partner of the poorest

The Social Democrats’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Green party

We need clear policies

The Greens’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Germany's Left

Crying injustice

The Left’s international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Christian Democrats

German competence

The Christian Democrats’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Development research

Happily Uninformed?

PEGNet: German development agencies could make more use of recent research results, and knowledge brokers would help

SWP publication

The decisive challenge

SWP: Youth bulge results in greater economic opportunities – but also increases risks of conflict

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