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French matters, whether the FT likes it or not

Languages of former colonial powers

Renewable energy

Emerging markets overtake industrialised states

Record investments in solar, wind and hydropower

Relevant reading

Analogue limits of digital growth

Two recent publications - including one from the World Bank - explain why digitalisation, in itself, does not bring about human development


Everyday violence against the poor

How everyday violence locks poor people into poverty and what needs to be done about it

Human rights

“A situation of bonded labour”

Many Bangladeshi migrants are exploited abroad

Commodity prices

Explosive issue

Unless commodity exporting countries diversify their economies, crises loom

World Bank rhetoric contributes to distorted public image

World Development Report shies away from serious conflicts of interest

Multilateral banks

New players with handicaps

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the New Development Bank (NDB) are changing the landscape of international financial institutions

2030 Agenda

Ambitious minimum goals

Experts consider SDGs more ambitious than MDGs but often too vague


Take along everyone

Digitalisation brings the world closer together

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.