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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

“I am angry because Kenya is not working for many of its citizens”

Kenya’s youth have been taking to the streets against the government for weeks. Sports student Shakira Wafula almost involuntarily became a face of the movement. In this interview, she talks about what is driving young Kenyans.


Self-pitying majority

K.S. Komireddi argues stringently that India's current government is driven by a dangerous Hindu-supremacist ideology

Retail shopping

Solving the last-mile problem

How an innovative online retailer is making life easier for underserved rural communities in Kenya

Civil strife

Fragile peace

Under President Duque, Colombia seems to seesaw between civil war and peace


A matter of self interest

The international community should support Afghanistan’s young democracy

Press freedom

Pressure on journalists

The defamation clause of Indonesia’s internet law is misused to criminalise journalists


Parliament, shut up!

Leaders like Boris Johnson make it increasingly difficult to promote democracy

Information technology

Considerable damage

Examples of the harm online misinformation is doing in sub-Saharan countries


“A multi-tentacular problem”

To stem the tide of fake news in Africa, internet giants must do more than cooperate with professional fact-checkers

Digital surveillance

No one can opt out

China introduces points system for rating social behaviour


A turning point

To stem the spread of Ebola, humanitarian agencies must win the trust of local communities in the DRC