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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

Why Kenya is on fire

For weeks, Kenya has been experiencing a wave of protests led by young people, triggered by an unpopular finance bill. No one can really say they didn’t see this coming. What is unfolding in Kenya is a lesson in what happens when the debt crisis escalates not ...

Our view

No ethics, no sustainability

Why financial stability hinges on investors taking into account environmental and social impacts


Reconciling diversity and the common good

Why development requires functional differentiation and attention to the common good


Disrupted schooling

According to UNICEF, hundreds of millions of children and teenager lost access to educatin due to Covid-19 lockdowns

Sex education

Keeping girls in school

Burundi is bringing into schools a traditional method of sex-education counseling for teenagers, with good early results

Informal sector

Devastated businesses

Zambia’s informal sector has been hit hard by Covid-19 lockdown

Political systems

Fighting poverty

The comparison of India with China shows that formal democracy does not necessarily lead to more development-oriented governance

Asian giants

China is ahead of India

Statistics show that Communist China has been outperforming formally democratic India for decades

Mobile phones

Ringing up sales

Little-known Chinese brands are taking over the smartphone market in Zambia

Civil wars

Children in terrorist organisations

Book analyses how terrorist organisations recruit children for their cause


Difficult reconstruction

Reconstruction in Syria - challenges and possible courses of action