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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

Building bridges to reconcile religious conflicts

Buddhism is Sri Lanka’s main religion, but Christianity, Hinduism and Islam also have a large following. The country has experienced several conflicts over the last five decades, influenced by factors such as nationalism and economic policy, but not least by r...


Colombians have voted for change

The symbolism – and challenges – of the election victory of Gustavo Petro and his running mate Francia Márquez

Summer Special

Emancipation in Syria, both personal and political

“The other side of the river” shows a young Syrian woman’s personal liberation within the context of a wider effort to establish democracy

Germany and Namibia

Hurdles on reconciliation between Germany and the Ovaherero

Germany and Namibia are struggling to redress crimes of the colonial era

Gender equality

Women are particularly disadvantaged in the informal sector

Gender equality matters in both the formal and the informal economy, for example when it comes to finance


Poor Kenyans complain about rising public debt

Instead of having shiny infrastructure projects, Kenyans would prefer to have more financial support from the government


Bringing businesses out of the informal sector

Governments and donor agencies worldwide do a great deal to strengthen the formal economy – but not all their efforts are crowned with success


The strategic relevance of Ukrainian grain

Why negotiations regarding shipping routes across the Black Sea are unlikely to deliver results soon

Relevant reading

In promotion of small businesses, prioritise social capital

Indonesian economist says social infrastructure is more important than hard infrastructure

Our view

The nightmare of states that are too small

For informal businesses, state absence means people can only trust those who are close to them

Sahel region

Innocent suffering in the Sahel region

Climate change is making food insecurity worse in Niger