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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.

Peacekeeping II

Harmful diversity

Peacekeeping II: Harmful diversity

International decision-making

The people, the river and the border

International decision-making: The people, the river and the border


An exceptional option of coercive force

Peacekeeping I: An exceptional option of coercive force

Poverty reduction

New paradigm

Poverty reduction: New paradigm

First order for $ 100 laptops

First order for $ 100 laptops

New success in search for malaria vaccine

New success in search for malaria vaccine

EP in favour of medicinal opium

EP in favour of medicinal opium


The global power of religion

The global power of religion

Sierra Leone

No peace with blood diamonds

No peace with blood diamonds

Growth models

Wrong path

Wrong path