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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.

Sexualised war crimes

Trauma Therapy takes time

Support for the victims of sexualised violcence in war

[ Relevant reading

Ask the right questions

The right questions concerning budget support review essay

Budget support

Eleven recommendations

Adenauer Foundation’s 11 proposals for more successful budget support

Budget support

A double-edged sword

Civil-society critique of European budget support for Nicaragua

Interview with Jochen Hippler

“‘Sharia’ has many meanings”

Jochen Hippler discusses Pakistan’s multi-dimensional judicial worries

Budget support

Greater accountability

In Tanzania, budet support is making in difference in terms of fighting corruptions

Budget support

“Openness and democracy”

Kortmann says budget support should contribute to openness and democracy


International supervision

International supervision

Sustainable development

Vocational education gaining in significance

International conference on vocational education for sustainable development in spring 2009


Syria in search of paradigm

Syria interested in German model of the social market economy