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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.

Social inclusion

Refugees offer opportunities

There are more refugees in Uganda than in any other African country


Consumers appreciate new taxi apps in Zambia

IT is making mobility easier and cheaper in Africa, but there are downsides

Sahel region

Peace requires strategy

Researchers advise Germany's Federal Government to draft coherent strategies crisis and conflict countries

IT industry

Fighting Coronavirus with a computer game

Ghanaian computer game developer Eyram Tawia on Covid-19 impacts on his business

Our view

Pandemic lessons

Climate mitigation has positive health impacts internationally

Green transformation

Crisis as an opportunity

Crises like the Covid-19 pandemic offer opportunities for eco-friendly stimulus programmes

Sustainable development

The future of the planet is on the line

Sustainable development includes progess for people, climate protection and biodiversity, insists German minister

Constitutional referendum

Why Chile needs another constitutional assembly

For the time being, the left wing-vision for Chile has not come true


Pakistan is paying price for neglect of climate adaptation

Not having contributed much to climate change, Pakistanis suffer impacts

Global affairs

How Biden’s promise of America being back might come true

White House stance on both climate and democracy are of great global relevance