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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

Building bridges to reconcile religious conflicts

Buddhism is Sri Lanka’s main religion, but Christianity, Hinduism and Islam also have a large following. The country has experienced several conflicts over the last five decades, influenced by factors such as nationalism and economic policy, but not least by r...

Women’s rights

The Constitution can wait

Gender-neutral language clouds discrimination against women in India


Yet more hunger

More than 1 billion people are suffering hunger


Unsatisfying results

2oth anniversary of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Women’s rights

Overburdened judiciary staff

South Africa struggles to enforce modern family legislation

Military expenditure

Brazil and Venezuela buy arms

Budding arms race in Latin America

Matrimonial and family law

Harmful tradition

Women’s rights in Unganda in view of the bride-price burden

Common pool resources

Overcoming a tragedy

Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom’s contribution to develpment theory and policies


A severe blow

"Let's hope UN withdrawl from Pakistan is indeed temporary"

Trade and regional integration

Tough EPA talks

EPA talks are stalling, capacity building might help


Vulture fund drains Congo’s life blood

Vulture fund is exploting DR Congo