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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

Why Kenya’s youth is taking to the streets

In recent weeks, massive protests have erupted in Kenya’s major cities triggered by discontent over the finance bill 2024. The people on the streets are almost exclusively young people, forming a kind of political movement the country has never seen before. Pr...

Smallholder farms

Peer pressure

Smart-phone apps could boost productivity even of illiterate farmers


Putting a check on leaders

Long before the Arab spring, mobilisation by SMS toppled a president in Philippines


Great opportunities

Information technology opens up new opportunities for improving governance

Mobile telephony

Citizen participate via SMS

In Togo, some citizens use text messages to monitor their local government

Expanding market

Business dimensions

The Internet's business relevance has grown dramatically in the Philippines

Gülen movement

Power struggle in Turkey

German think tank analyses the Gülen movement's impact on politics in Turkey

Global governance

“Investigate internationally”

Erik Solheim of the OECD wants rich nations to step up the fight against illicit financial flows


Pledging allegiance

Egypt’s constitutional referendum was merely a triumph of counter-revolution

Stemming corruption

Government watchdogs

Uganda's supreme auditors put a check on illicit financial flows


I dream of inclusion

Unfair marginalisation of children with disabilities in Togo


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.