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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.


Migration from West Africa should not be a crime

To the detriment of Senegal’s people, their government is supporting the migration policies of the EU

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Sovereign debt

Why Pakistan’s economy is in deep crisis

Climate change and other global developments are severely exacerbating Pakistan’s home-made problems

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Political jargon

Why “global south” is not a useful term

Some powerful nations – especially China – do not fit into the dichotomy of a global north and south

Our view

The right to belong somewhere

People have always moved to far-away places to find livelihoods or to flee from war and disaster. The international community would benefit from more coherent and pragmatic regulation of migration and flight.

German development projects

Seizing the potential of migration and displacement

Development projects must recognise and realise the transformative potential of migration and displacement

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Eerie sense of post-election calm in Nigeria

Why President-elect Tinubu, who expects to take office in May, only has a weak mandate at best


Why African countries must foster democratic civic cultures

Independence leaders failed to disown autocratic legacy after colonial rule

Flight and displacement

Displacement is part of almost everyone’s history

Flight and displacement are a scourge of humanity that conceals untold numbers of individual fates

German policymaking

The BMZ seems stuck in a European mindset

Africa strategy of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development does not answer Africans’ questions

Technical jargon

Development jargon: Aid or cooperation?

The efforts of German policymakers to make people talk about “development cooperation” instead of “development aid” have largely failed. Here is why