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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

“Dialogue of life”

Michael Rodrigo was a Catholic priest who campaigned for religious dialogue in Sri Lanka. He called his efforts the “dialogue of life”.


How faith shapes politics

Examples of faith shaping politics in meaningful ways


Important lobby

INGO influence is beneficial – but organisations from rich countries dominate the scene


Frozen budget support

Without foreign aid, the Malawi government cannot operate properly

International Cooperation

INGOs in Africa

International non-governmental organisations support African partners, but must not micromanage them

Future ICSOs

Designing the change agenda

International civil society organisations must adapt to global changes

Indigenous peoples

Flawed implementation

Laws concerning prior and informed consent of indigenous groups for resource exploitation often prove counterproductive in Latin America


A good start

Europe needs a coherent policy to rise to the refugee challenge


“Someone who kills innocent people will not become a martyr”

Why ISIS looks attractive to young people from different countries


Coming alive again

In some Libyan cities, refugees are returning to their homes

Human rights

Protecting activists

Selmin Çalışkan elaborates on Amnesty International’s cooperation with local human-rights groups


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.