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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

“Dialogue of life”

Michael Rodrigo was a Catholic priest who campaigned for religious dialogue in Sri Lanka. He called his efforts the “dialogue of life”.


Halfway there

UNAIDS reports major success in global fight against HIV/AIDS and wants to stop epidemic by 2030


Foundation for a better future

The right to education must be globally implemented at last


A long way to go

Experts call for more western support for the democratic movement in Tunis

Koran schools

More than holy scriptures

Koran schools are the provider of religious education for children in Lebanon

Islamic religious teaching

A mixture of elementary and Koran school

Education and religion are traditionally connected in Islam

Primary schools

Bilingual education

Why many Bolivian primary schools use two languages in the classroom


Bilingual teacher training

Bolivian schools need qualified staff for teaching in indigenous languages


Democratic shift to the right

Argentinian elections indicate Latin American trend towards conservative restoration


Greater quality

Lessons learned from GIZ education projects


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.