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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

“Dialogue of life”

Michael Rodrigo was a Catholic priest who campaigned for religious dialogue in Sri Lanka. He called his efforts the “dialogue of life”.

Our view

Wisdom and foresight

To rise to the challenges of IT, the global community will need yet more political innovations


Digital farming

How digitisation can benefit commercial farms in India

Information technology

Digital forces and ethical challenges

India must prepare for dramatic digital change

Nuclear Deal

Protecting the Iran deal from Donald Trump

UN leaders laugh at US president in New York

Human rights are universal, not western

Reconsidering democracy promotion


Going blind

Many people in Ghana go blind from glaucoma because they have no access to treatment

Demographic change

Progress may not be sustained

Life expectancy has improved in Benin, but poverty remains a serious challenge

What The Economist gets wrong about liberalism

175 years of praising free enterprise

United Nations

70 years of human rights policy

How human rights gained traction in the past 25 years

Human rights

A worrisome trend reversal

In order to resist the trend towards authoritarian populism, it is important to un-derstand what is driving it


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.