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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

“Dialogue of life”

Michael Rodrigo was a Catholic priest who campaigned for religious dialogue in Sri Lanka. He called his efforts the “dialogue of life”.

Rural development

New opportunities for farmers

Sahaja Organics builds a bridge between organic farmers and customers in the cities

Urban development

The need for holistic action

Freetown’s landslide disaster of 2017 showed that urban planning must reduce environmental risks


Anger about shift to the right

Candidate of the left governs as president of the right

Private sector engagement

Fifty metro lines per year

Private public partnerships can tackle the huge demand in transport infrastructure in developing countries

Public transport

Rethinking mobility

Experts discuss viable and sustainable mobility models in developing countries and emerging markets

Planned parenthood

Contraceptives for minors

Civil-society organisations in Zambia are trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies among schoolgirls


Limits of sovereignty

In view of China’s growing international engagement, we need a good definition of “south-south cooperation”


Blank cheque for the president

Brazil is in crisis – Jair Bolsonaro’s election as president reflects it


Fighting false information

To prevent conflicts during the upcoming elections, Indonesian journalists aim to fact-check online information

Rule of law

Facilitating investments

The rule of law is essential for generating employment and fostering prosperity


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.