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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

ODA under attack

Populist forces in rich countries are calling development aid into question. Drastic cuts are looming in many places. Efforts are needed to improve communication and restore trust.

Refugee-camp life

Too little for too many

Healthcare in Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp and in the Kalobeyei resettlement area has been a major problem for decades. Too many people have to share too few resources.

Early childhood development

Various potentials

Early childhood is an important phase in human development in which a child rapidly develops its abilities. However, the international call for children to “realise their full potential” needs to be tailored to skills that are relevant in their society

Mediterranean migration route

Alleviating the suffering on Lesbos

Thousands of refugees continue to live on the Greek island in unacceptable conditions. They receive support by civil-society organisations

Global governance

In world affairs, “person of colour” is a misleading term

The focus on racialised ideas of identities helps to hide problematic power dynamics in international relations

Identity politics

Why the acronym BIPoC is less useful than it seems

A term that can help to assess social dynamics in the USA is not useful in large parts of Africa and Asia

Urban housing

“A story of abandonment”

A devastating fire killed 77 of the poorest residents of Johannesburg, fuelling discussions about urban housing conditions in South Africa. In this interview, human-rights expert Nomzamo Zondo talks about the political and social context of the catastroph


Elections in Pakistan at a crucial moment

The national elections in Pakistan, previously postponed multiple times, are now scheduled for February 2024. The prolonged delays have heightened political tensions in a country already grappling with uncertainty

Gaza war

One percent of Gaza’s population has died in the current war

The more collective trauma grows, the harder it will be to achieve reconciliation between Israel and Palestine


A brief history of Hindu-supremacism in India

Many western observers fail to understand how fundamentally authoritarian the ideology of India’s current government is

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Hating Jews, but supporting Israel

Elon Musk’s barely concealed antisemitism hurts his advertising revenues, but does not seem to affect his relationship to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu