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Print edition

Contents September issue

Contents page of September's D+C print edition with links to all contributions:
Give peace a chance D+C/E+Z 2013/09 Give peace a chance


Eva-Maria Verfürth:
Real peace is about a lot more than the absence of armed violence


African fashion designers’ international success | Adapting to climate change | Demography: opportunities and risks of youth bulges | Nowadays: Guatemalan radio programme in support of women | Development agencies show little interest in research | Donor governments and the Responsibility to Protect

Focus: Give peace a chance

Interview with Alcides Vadillo:
Bolivia: Dialogue helps to ease social conflicts

Allen Yéro Embalo:
Infighting among rebels blocks road to peace in Senegal’s Casamance region

Richard Oelmann:
Agricultural development is indispensable in South Sudan

Michael Ashkenazi, Marc Kösling and Christof Kögler:
More people are killed by small weapons and light arms than by heavy artillery

Bernadette Schulz and Ruth Langer:
The African Peace and Security Architecture deserves more international appreciation

Bettina Meier:
Sri Lanka has not found peace after its civil war

Mona Naggar:
Lebanon’s people still need to come to terms with their violent past


Eva-Maria Verfürth:
Entrepreneurs’ advice for UN on post-2015 development goals

Svenja Czapek, Detlef Hanne and Cora Ziegenbalg:
Volkswagen Foundation’s innovative scholarship scheme for young African researchers


Election extra: The international-development agendas of Germany’s major political parties:

Sibylle Pfeiffer:
The Christian Democrats’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Sascha Raabe:
The Social Democrats’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Christiane Ratjen-Damerau:
The Free Democrats' international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Heike Hänsel:
The Left’s international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Ute Koczy:
The Greens’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Comment on western diplomacy in Egypt