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Print edition

Contents November issue

Contents page of November's D+C print edition with links to all contributions:
Social protection D+C/E+Z 2013/11 Social protection


Hans Dembowski:
Social-protection innovations neither serve everyone in developing countries and emerging markets, nor do they cover all risks



PEGNet conference on poverty reduction and sustainable ­development | The environmental footprints of food production | Tax reforms are making Mozambique less dependent on donor funding | Now­adays: Guatemalan midwife becomes ­politician | In brief | Civicus report on civil-society freedom in various countries | How to support the pro-democracy forces in Syria’s turmoil


Focus: Social protection

Ipsita Sapra:
India’s government must do more

Katja Dombrowski:
Demographic change will hit Thailand unprepared

Caroline Sölle de Hilari:
Pro Mujer provides microcredits as well as health-care services

Charles Knox-Vydmanov:
The interest in social protection is growing – and so is the need

Michael Bünte:
New Global AgeWatch Index reveals need for pension reforms in many countries

Damilola Oyedele:
Only few Nigerians can afford to rest in old age

Henning Melber:
Welfare schemes in southern Africa
Social protection is enshrined in South Africa's constitution, but poverty pervails nonetheless



Helene Wolf:
The ICSC in Berlin wants international civil-society organisations to join forces

Vera Dicke:
The OECD’s worthy Fragile State Principles are being neglected

Frank Bliss:
Ethical dilemmas in development cooperation



Interview with Ulrich Schröder of KfW on the global financial crisis and the role of development banks | Comments on Zimbabwe’s new government and the Westgate terror attack in Nairobi