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Print edition

Contents January issue

Contents page of January's D+C print edition with links to all contributions:
Clean energy D+C/E+Z 2012/01 Clean energy


Hans Dembowski:
Too little, too late – the Durban agreement on climate protection


Results of the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan | Fear of 2014 in Afghanistan | Chaotic elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | Graziano da Silva is the FAO’s new head | Piracy along Somalia’s coast | In brief

Focus: Clean Energy

Noor Fatima:
Instead of importing energy, Pakistan should rely on renewable sources

Martina Otto:
For moving on to sustainability, cities will play a crucial role

Interview with Ulrich Hueck:
Solar power from the desert – Desertec’s recent developments

Lorenzo Cotula, Lynn Finnegan and Duncan Macqueen:
Europe’s growing demand for firewood

Christian von Haldenwang:
Appropriate tax approaches to fossile resources and agricultural commodities

Johannes Fischbeck:
Remote rural areas need off-grid electricity

International Op/Ed voices:
New alliances have become evident at the climate summit in Durban

Henrike Koschel and Ulf Moslener:
Relevant reading – Recent studies on renewable energy sources


Glenn Brigaldino:
To serve regional integration, African infrastructure must link countries to one another

Ghadeer Mohammed, Maika Müller, Mirja Michalscheck, Muhammad Khalifa and Ronza Al Marji:
Clay filters offer a reliable and affordable way to purify drinking water


Interview with Yasser Alwan about recent protests and elections in Egypt | Letters | Comments on the International Criminal Court, Morocco’s new government and the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan